DIY toy storage ideas. Toy storage comes in so many ways. Refinished toy boxes, dress up storage, lego mat, and many other creative DIY toy storage ideas to keep the abundance of toys under control.

Creative DIY Toy Storage Ideas to Organize the Kids Mess

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Toy storage comes in so many ways. Refinished toy boxes, dress up storage, lego mat, and many other creative DIY toy storage ideas to keep the abundance of toys under control. 

Creative DIY Ideas to Organize and Store Toys

Got kids? Got toys? Need toy storage? Any household with children most likely has an abundance of toys that can take over the house if you aren’t careful. In our case, there are two grandmothers and a few family members that love to spoil the kids. I had to threaten my brother that if he brought my kids another giant plastic toy that I would get my nephew a drum set.  tee hee Thankfully there are some great creative ways to organize toys and even DIY storage ideas for toys

Toy storage comes in so many ways. Refinished toy boxes, dress up storage, lego mat, and many other creative DIY toy storage ideas to keep the abundance of toys under control. | kid toy storage | kids toy storage | kids toy organizer | childrens toy storage | children's toy organizer | storage for kids toys | kids toy bin | toy organizers | DIY toy organizer | DIY toy box ideas |storage solutions for toys | DIY kids toy storage ideas

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Toy Storage that Makes Sense

This used to be our toy storage situation. As you can see it was unorganized and an eyesore. The whole personalized toy box seemed like a good idea until it was overflowing and bulging. Our little angels sure to accumulate a lot of things. If only there were creative ways to store our kids’ stuff. These kids toy storage ideas are both cute and creative.

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Our new toy storage situation is much better. This antique storage chest was in sad shape but with a little wood glue, paint and decoupage it is our new toy storage set up. Lucky for me, when the kids grow and outgrow the toys and things I can still use this wooden chest for blankets or storage of my own. You can see the full transformation of this blanket chest turned toy storage here: Antique Chest to Toy Storage.

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Modern Toy Storage Customized

Aside from our own toy box is this more modern toy box that received a custom finish. It started off as blonde colored wood and was finished with an image transfer and donated to a school fundraiser. You can find that makeover here: Image Transfer Painted Toy Box. And you can find all of the projects that have been donated to local fundraisers and charities HERE.

DIY Toy Storage Ideas, modern toy box with french image transfer, diy toy box ideas, kids toy storage ideas,

In addition to these, I’ve got so much more to share with you. Check out all of these creative DIY toy storage ideas. Make sure to click on each photo or link to see the full project and please Pin from the original source.

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Creative DIY Toy Storage Ideas to Organize the Kids Mess

I hope you enjoy this collection of Creative DIY Ways to Organize and Store Toys better than you would enjoy actually organizing toys 😉 If you prefer not to DIY, but still are in desperate need of organizing toys, then you can find great toy storage for sale (here) 

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Toy storage comes in so many ways. Refinished toy boxes, dress up storage, lego mat, and many other creative DIY toy storage ideas to keep the abundance of toys under control. | kid toy storage | kids toy storage | kids toy organizer | childrens toy storage | children's toy organizer | storage for kids toys | kids toy bin | toy organizers | DIY toy organizer | DIY toy box ideas |storage solutions for toys | DIY kids toy storage ideas

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