Painted End Tables with Removable Drawer Liners

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A spin on decoupage with these Queen Anne style painted end tables with lined drawers using wallpaper, mod podge and poster board for a removable drawer liner. 

Queen Anne Painted End Tables with Lined Drawers

These painted end tables come with a slight dilemma, thankfully it’s not a major one. For starters, they are boring! That’s the easy fix, but they also have felt lined drawers.  The liner was put in and then the drawer built around it, so it can’t necessarily be easily removed. Time to get creative. Here are the tables in their original boring condition.

shabby-chic-new-york, painted tables, shabby chic, new york, staten island

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Painted End Tables with Lined Drawers

Materials Needed / Source List:

The Before – Unfinished Vintage End Tables

These Queen Anne style end tables had been sitting in my inventory for a while waiting for a makeover, but no one had any interest in them. Insert sad face here. Possibly the ugly vintage hardware, or the orange glow of the wood turned people off. I can only hope that
my makeover will change your view of them.

queen-anne-tables, vintage end tables, painted tables

Layla seemed to love the tables when we brought them back to my shop. My little ham.

little-ham, photo op, queen ann tables, staten island, just the woods

This project actually sparks a few ‘firsts’ for me. For one thing, I haven’t done a ‘non-custom’ makeover in months, making this the first project of the year that will be listed for sale. Secondly, I chose a neutral off-white painted finish, and I almost never choose white. But I was inspired by a friend’s white tables, so I’m going with it. Third, I am using a different paint brand than I normally use. Dixie Belle Paint Company was kind enough to send me a few colors to try, so considering they are also non-toxic, VOC free and made in the USA, I simply had to try. Lastly, I’m trying a new method to line the drawers that I haven’t done before.

dixie-belle-paint, chalk paint, non toxic paint

Lining Drawers with Wallpaper (prep the drawer)

Let me start by saying that this is not the first time I’ve used wallpaper for decoupage, but it is the first time I’ve used a poster board to create a removable drawer liner. The insides of the drawers are lined with brown felt, as I mentioned. The felt also does not easily peel out and I hesitate to slice it with the exacto knife. Granted, once vacuumed the felt liner isn’t in horrible shape and could probably be left alone. But why leave it when we can make it unique?

felt-lining, felt lined drawer, just the woods

The first step was to measure the inside of the drawer to know exactly what size I need to cut the poster board to make sure it fits nice and snug.

measure-drawer, how to line drawers, painted furniture with lined drawers, removable lined drawers

Next, I made sure to tape off the felt and protect the bottom of the drawer. 

tape-inside-of-drawer, how to line drawers

The sides of the drawers were painted in Muscadine Wine by Dixie Belle, and sealed with the Clear Satin Sealer. As much as I wanted to try Plum Crazy, it didn’t match with the liner pattern that I chose for the drawer bottom. This wallpaper is amazing, and I’ve been patiently waiting for the right project to come along to use it. 


Lining the Drawer with Removable Liner

Now that I have my drawers prepped and measured and my print chosen its time to create the removable liner. I had some white posterboard in my shop that I use to reflect light while taking photos and staging. I used the poster board and cut two pieces to size, using an Exacto knife, T-square and cutting mat. 

cut-boards-to-size, t square, how to cut boards to size
mod-podge, decoupage, lining drawers

Next, I applied mod podge to the poster board. Don’t use a nice paint brush for this part.      

glue-the-back-of-boards, decoupage, just the woods

Then place the board down on the wallpaper. I used random items in my shop, like paint containers and bricks to weigh down the boards until the glue dried. Once it was dry I flipped the boards over and folded the wallpaper around the sides, and glued it down on the back to make the edges covered as well. Easy peasy.

place-decoupaged-board-in-drawer, removable drawer liner. decoupage, just the woods

The finished boards can easily be placed into the drawer bottoms right on top of the existing liner.

press-drawer-lined-board-inside, drawer liners, painted tables

New to painting furniture and not sure where to start? Start at the beginning with How to Paint Furniture – a Beginners Guide.

how to paint furniture

Changing Old Hardware

pulls, pretty hardware, just the woods, painted furniture, painted tables

As much as I often prefer to keep the original vintage hardware when possible, there is always an exception. These are the exception. I once heard someone refer to the old pulls as batman pulls, which I think is hysterical because it’s true. I decided to replace those original pulls with these pretty new hardware pulls.  The new pulls actually seem to change the entire appearance of the painted end tables. Aren’t these just the prettiest? 

pretty-hardware, ornate hardware, painted furniture, painted tables, staten island, new york

These pulls are so much more feminine than the old batman pulls. If I knew how to insert a laughing emoji smiley face I would put one here. 

The Paint – Painting Queen Anne End Tables

I chose to keep the outside of the tables neutral with Drop Cloth by Dixie Belle. After two coats of paint, the tables were distressed and sealed with their clear satin sealer. Goodbye orange wood, hello pretty!


Here is a full tutorial with VIDEO showing how I seal my painted furniture projects: Sealing Painted Furniture  

sealing painted furniture, how to seal painted furniture, video tutorial


The Result – Painted End Tables with Lined Drawers

A few new ‘first’s’ under my belt, and a pair of tables ready to be listed. What do you think about removable drawer liners? These tables have been donated and raffled off at the local Chamber of Commerce holiday fundraising event. Click here to see all of my projects that have been donated to support local fundraisers, schools, and charities: Donation Projects

dixie-belle-painted-end-tables, painted furniture, queen anne, chalk paint
chalk-painted-table-drawers, dixie belle, just the woods, creamy white, staten island

Check out all of my furniture projects with over 90 painted furniture makeovers: Stunning painted furniture ideas.

chalk-painted-end-tables, painted furniture, staten island, shabby chic
dixie-delle-drop-cloth, painted tables, painted end tables, just the woods
chippy-paint, distressed furniture, painted end tables, just the woods, shabby chic
painted-end-tables-lined-with-wallpaper, lined drawers, painted tables, queen anne tables
distressed-chalk-paint, hardware, painted queen anne furniture, curvy legs, painted tables
dixie-belle-muscadine-wine, chalk paint, non toxic, new york
neutral-painted-end-tables, white painted furniture, chalk paint
dixie belle, dixie belle paint, chalk paint, chalk mineral paint, order paint, order dixie belle
queen-anne-legs, chalk paint, painted tables, just the woods, shabby chic furniture
off-white-chalk-painted-tables, dixie belle, shabby chic painted tables, curvy legs, just the woods

Click here is the staging strikes your fancy or if you like unique home decor The Best Resource Guide to Staging & Home Decor

Click here if you like these distressed white painted tables then make sure to check out Vintage Chic End Tables

Click here if you like surprise drawers then you will love Curvy Girl with Secrets Bombe Chest   

painted furniture, how to paint furniture, painted furniture tutorials, painted furniture blog, painting furniture, painted furniture before and after, painted furniture makeovers

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A spin on decoupage with these Queen Anne style painted end tables with lined drawers using wallpaper, mod podge and poster board for a removable drawer liner. Painted furniture, painted tables, decoupage, lined drawers, drawer liners, wallpaper decoupage, furniture painting techniques, dixie belle paint, felt lined drawers, how to paint furniture, queen ann tables,
A spin on decoupage with these Queen Anne style painted end tables with lined drawers using wallpaper, mod podge and poster board for a removable drawer liner. Painted furniture, painted tables, decoupage, lined drawers, drawer liners, wallpaper decoupage, furniture painting techniques, dixie belle paint, felt lined drawers, how to paint furniture, queen ann tables,

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  1. Ashley moore says:

    Just curious…I have seen people paint upholstery. Have you ever tried to paint felt inside drawers?
    Not that I would have in this case. I absolutely love the book drawer liners!

    1. hey!! I’ve painted felt only once, and it was years ago. It made the felt hard when I did it, not sure I would attempt it again lol

  2. love the drawers – it’s like a surprise inside when it’s opened !!

  3. Love your idea for the drawer liners. I think they turned out lovely – someone will surely buy those! Great job!

  4. Pingback: Busy Monday 259
  5. Thank you for sharing with us at the Merry Monday party! We always look forward to your creativity.

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