20+ Easy Healthy Smoothie Recipes Your Whole Family Will Love

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These easy healthy smoothie recipes are all delicious, gluten-free, and dairy-free. You will find a great variety of easy fruit smoothie recipes, as well as simple healthy smoothie recipes that your whole family will love. Get ready to see how to make healthy smoothies. These nutritious smoothies are packed with fruit, protein, and amazing flavors. Having a variety of easy healthy recipes to choose from makes healthy eating a bit easier.

You can rest assured that when you start the day making healthy choices, you are more likely to continue making good choices as the day goes on. Reading labels, and wondering if something has clean ingredients or not can get overwhelming. As a Certified nutrition and health coach I am here to help you out with this.

easy healthy smoothie recipes

Easy Healthy Smoothie Recipes

Today, I’m sharing some of the best and most delicious smoothie recipes I could find. I never used to think of myself as the type of person who would look forward to a daily smoothie, and I am by no means the type of person who wants to replace actual food with a liquid meal. But, for a mid-day snack, oh yes, smoothie time!

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I often like to add protein powder to my smoothies,  as well as collagen peptides. Who doesn’t need a little extra boost of protein? (Thats a rhetorical question). You certainly don’t need either of these, but if you do, this is the plant-based, vegan protein powder that I like here: protein powder.

I also use a daily dose of collagen peptides because they are said to help support your joints, hair and nails. You can add collagen to your easy healthy smoothie recipes, or to your morning tea, or coffee. This is the collagen peptides that I use here: collagen.

Healthy Smoothie Recipes

Now that I’m done blabbering away it’s time for the amazing breakfast smoothie recipes. If you are not sure how to make healthy smoothies then you should know that these are super easy simple healthy smoothie recipes. They are gluten-free, dairy-free, and some are vegan.

20+ Easy Healthy Smoothie Recipes

These easy healthy smoothies are delicious, easy to make and a great way to start the day, or hold you over in between meals in the afternoon.

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